Other Helpful Resources
The Following Treatments are Proven to be Effective for Smokers who want Help Quitting
- Brief clinical interventions (i.e., when a doctor takes 10 minutes or less to deliver advice and assistance about quitting)
- Individual, group, or telephone counseling
- Behavioral therapies (i.e., training in problem solving)
- Treatments with more person-to-person contact and intensity (i.e., more or longer counseling sessions)
- Programs to deliver treatments using moblie phones
Nicotine Replacement Products
- Nicotine Patch
- Nicotine Gum
- Lozenge
- Inhaler
- Nasal Spray
Prescription non-nicotine Medications
- Bupropion SR (Zyban®)
- Varenicline Tartrate (Chantix®)
Tobacco Friendly Payment Processors
The Tobacco and smoke shop industries face additional hurdles when processing credit cards, checking account services and getting funding for their business. There is a reputational problem and banks dont want to be associated with drug paraphernalia and the cannabis industry. We have several listings here that you can go to for more information or how to get your tobacco business approved
Tobacco Quit Kit
The Quit Tobacco Kit was originally created by the Fond du Lac County Asthma Coalition to help people with asthma quit smoking or to help those who live with someone who has asthma, quit smoking.
The Quit Tobacco Kit has been modified to assist any individual who wants to quit any form of tobacco use.
If you have any questions, please go to the contact page. We hope you find these resources helpful.
Quitting Takes Planning and Support
Not Ready to Quit? Eliminate Indoor Tobacco Smoke Until You Quit